Nikayda & Aapo with sparklers at Dale & Vanessa's, this summer.
Our bus driver called this afternoon to let us know what time our little lady will be picked up on Wednesday. It's not too bad {the time}. Will is on the same bus! How cool is that?! {He gets picked up 1/2 an hour before she does.} She'll be riding with a bunch of kids from church. Can't wait to see who's all on her bus.
I can't believe that we're finally going to be put on a schedule. ;) {Yikes! We need to start going to be early.}
At least for her first year, it's only 3 days a week. 3 days, all-day kindergarten is what they do here. I was anxious about the all-day thing, at first, but I've gotten use to the idea. It's kinda nice that I won't have to worry about being home at lunch time on those days, if I need to run out.
She's so ready for this. And the days that she's spent at friend's houses, I feel like Aapo plays really good with only Carter around. The older two get into spats a lot lately. Hopefully, I'll be able to enjoy those days she's at school. But I know I'll miss her too. She's such a big help around here. I just can't believe that my little girl is old enough to go to school. I know I keep saying that. I'm sure most people say that when their first (and I'm sure their last) goes to school. Oy yoy yoy, where does the time go?! I get a little sad as the time draws near but it helps so much when she's so excited about it.
The other moms have been saying that they have a really good kindergarten teacher this year; which I'm glad to hear. {She's new}. She's expecting a baby in October though (her third) and the kids will have a sub for a little while at that time. I guess at least they'll have a little over a month to get adjusted to school before they have a new teacher...
Ready or not, Wednesday morning will be here before ya know it.
Oh she will come off that bus with more stories than you need to hear. She will be so excited, especially with her church kids there. They sure seem to grow up when they start school.
I guess were all getting older whether we like it or not. Time to loosen the reigns and let our kids see what the worlds all about.
She's going to love school! Our kids ride the bus with lots of church kids too...they go on the bus smiling and come off the bus smiling. Bennett will be going everyday all day to kindergarten so it is going to be real different without him around here..but he needs to go, he's pretty bored at home.
I hope she loves it!
cant wait to hear how it goes!! have a fun first day kayds!!!
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