Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My Little Confession

Do you ever get songs stuck in your head? I do all the time. I love to sing. If there isn't a song stuck in my head, I'll make one up! I'm one of those shy singers but I sing all the time. I clam up if anyone's around (even Mark, sometimes) but if they aren't, I love to belt it out! (I don't mind if the kids are around though). Now, mind you, I certainly didn't say I could carry a tune. Just remember, no where in that little confession did I say I could carry a tune! And don't ever forget that! I don't want to be singing next to you someday, with you thinking, "I thought that girl could sing?!" because I can't sing but I still love to do it!

I forgot to add... that I was wondering if the song-thing could be like a hereditary thing? Nikayda makes up songs all day long. And I've been doing that for as long back as I can remember. No idea if mom or dad or any other relatives do/did that... I mean, we all know dad likes to sing! Just not sure if he's ever gone as far as making up songs. :)


Sue said...

"Sing like no one is listening" Jennifer. I sing all the time to my kids, they don't care what you sound like.

Junkyard Jennifer said...

That's the best part! The kids love it no matter what you sound like. Mine always have. Even as far back as when Nikayda was a newborn. If she was sceaming in the back of the car, I'd start singing and she'd stop!

Michelle F said...

Me too..love to sing and really belt out the tunes...alone!

Anne said...

Kids do care. When ever I start to sing Danny says, "Stop! Please stop Mom!" Even if it's a song I actually can sing. Yet he will moan, I mean sing, all day until it drives you batty!

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Lol. Then I guess I better enjoy it while my kids still don't mind! :)