Saturday, September 1, 2007

I Don't Get Over Things Like Fly Legs

It's hot today.
I don't do hot. We don't have air. I'm not working. I sweat too easily. And I hate sweating.
Hence the many posts.
It was almost 90.

Cool, fall weather where have you gone?
I want you back.

Tomorrow's suppose to be in the high 70's. Much better.

We have a fly problem. Every night, I sit in the chair with Country Living after everyone else is in bed. After a few minutes of blissful silence, I always hear, "bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz". So, I get up, grab the flyswat, wander around the house searching for the mysteriously disappearing fly, eventually finding it. And Slap!

It's dead. Gone.

And I sit down once again. I get so much joy killing each one of these pesky flies that Mark says I'm a cold-blooded killer. ;)

As I saw a few buzzing around, I was reminded of how I don't get over things like fly legs.

When we lived in Michigan, we'd get flies like crazy {who doesn't?} at different times of the year. Well, one day I was sitting there eating Reese's Puffs - one of my favorite snacks. This was before Cart's allergy. Probably before Cart was even born. I'm sitting there eating and as I'd finished the cereal in my bowl, I went to drink the rest of the milk when I spotted a fly leg. Floating in the milk.

Now, I don't gag very easily.

Really. I don't.

But I gagged! And gagged. {Maybe I was pregnant even (for Carter), I can't remember}. But I gagged.

And I've never touched Reese's Puffs. Again.


Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of flies either. But I'm esp. not a fan of box-elder bugs!!!!!!! ~Nothing~ likes them!

I looked up Eloise Wilkin, and sure enough she was the illustrator of two childhood books I have been looking for: The New Baby and Where did the Baby Go? Very interesting!

After her, I think perhaps Richard Scarry's illustrator is a favorite.

I remember books called Sweet Pickles from my youth. Did you ever read them? If I ever run across those, I'll be very happy!

:) -Angie M.

Junkyard Jennifer said...

I've never heard of them (Sweet Pickles). And I'm trying to remember if I have Where did the Baby Go? I have a very small Golden book that I'm thinking of...I'll have to see when I go through my books one of these years. I want to display them all on some shelves in the loft...