Monday, September 10, 2007

A Garden Rake and no Heat

We don't have our heat hooked up yet. Almost, but no cigar. (Where did that "saying" originate from, anyway?) It's been down in the low 40's at night. This morning, it was 58 in our house, when I woke up (46 outside)! My hands are freezing. It actually felt warmer to me when I was outside walking Nikayda to the bus stop! I kid you not. The sun was shining - made all the difference in the world.

I've never felt the urge to get outside in the mornings when it was in the 50's but I sure felt like it today. Come to think of it, I wasn't up, much, in the mornings until now. But we're all adjusting just fine to this earlier schedule and it actually feels really nice. The boys are even getting up a little earlier too.

This morning, I took a few pictures in the entry but I'm going to wait and take more once I get a few things up {for texture. Flowers, linens etc...} I started to decorate in there, last week. Anyone know of a good place where I can find real-looking artificial flowers? I was thinking Joann's or Michaels'... I haven't looked at either place in ages. But I was wondering if there were others. I'm hoping to plug-away some more today - but probably in the kitchen and living room.

The wedding was beautiful. I can hardly believe they're married. {That's an I-can-hardly-believe in a good way.} :) It's a first for me (a brother getting married). It feels so strange to me that I have a brother married. It's so nice to see him happy and married to a Christian wife. Out of the 14 of us only Sara, Emily, and I were married until now. Family weddings are so fun! I only took a couple of pictures. I was waiting until my mom posted before putting any up... We only went for the day. We left late-morning Saturday and got home around 2 in the morning (Sunday).

In the end, I'm so glad we didn't stay the night. Mark and I visited the whole way home - which was nice. The kids slept because it was already after 10 when we left. A part of me really wishes we would've been at rehearsal but I know it was the right thing to not go for overnight. If it was feeling that stressful for me, it was better not to. It's just that I have no idea where half our stuff is right now. Everything's in boxes scattered throughout the house. I'm hoping by the time Ginger & Lars get married (Nov.), things will be a little more in order and we'll make it for Friday night! :)


Anonymous said...

Hobby Lobby has beautiful realistic flowers and they're often 50% off but I'm not sure if there are any stores in Minnesota. I did my wedding bouquets from their flowers and my relatives thought they were real.

46 degrees already?! That's cold!! I don't know if it got lower than the low 60's overnight here.
Looking forward to pictures from your decorating!

Glad you had a ncie time at the wedding. My only brother got married last September and it was weird to me too!

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Thanks! There is a Hobby Lobby in Fargo, if I'm remembering correctly... Seems like some of the girls have mentioned it and I've been wanting to make a trip! :)

Anonymous said...

Jen you're going to turn me into a computer junky!! I love checking out your photos of the house -- keep 'em coming! Glad to hear Nikayda's first day of school went good :)

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Hi Joan~ I still can hardly believe she's in school. It's weird... :) And quiet around here in the afternoons. Lol! The boys both sleep.

Aapo started napping again. He stopped many months ago, so it's kinda nice that he's bored and probably tired-enough (he's been getting up when Nikayda does). {Definitely a treat!}

KS said...

I love your sign, I think I need one around here.

Cold?????????? turn on the blow dryer and warm the room your in. I remember one New Years going upnorth to a cold house (the heat hadn't been turned on) and using blow dryers to warm up until the heat finally started to warm up the house a bit. We all sat in a circle around the blow dryer. It wasn't the fanciest thing did the job and we all survived.