Friday, September 7, 2007

Brad & Larissa's Wedding

I'll be back on Sunday or Monday. My brother Brad and Larissa are getting married on Saturday, in the cities. In Medina from the Junkmarket Bonanza! We're only planning to go for the day. We'll head back after the wedding. It'll be a late one but it's less stressful for me than trying to stay overnight.

I get really worked-up trying to pack, even for one night. I never used to be like that - it's the anxiety. I can't explain it. {Mark is always trying to tell me not to get worked-up about the little things. But it's something I can't help.} I'm only hoping that it'll be better once we get settled-in here. I'm really hoping that will help. I can't see why not... Things are just a little upside down right now {and will be, for awhile} with the move.

I'm a neat-freak by nature, and I haven't had a neat house in years with all of the moving we've done. (I'm not complaining, I've enjoyed the moving. Well, not the moving-moving, but the relocation. I love change. It's just starting to get-to-me that I haven't been able to have an organized house...until now. :) And our last place, although I really liked it, was so very small and there were boxes everywhere. Literally.

But I'm so excited to see everyone at the wedding! And excited *for* the wedding! :)

Anyhow, I may post later today...I'm going garage sailing. I haven't been for FAR too long. Ok. I really have no idea what I just said in this post. I'm tired. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a good trip! Enjoy the wedding. I'm sure it'll be beautiful. -Kathryn