Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Screen Name Vote

Moving. Moving. Moving.

Crazy. Crazy. Crazy.

(Only a few more days!)

That's about all that's happening around here. All the while thoughts of a proper name are swirling through my head. I'm trying to come up with a better screen name, you know, seeing as how Junkyard Jen is SO flattering and all. ;)

So. Now that I've got Whimsical~ for my little junk-selling business that I aspire to begin within the next year, I've thought about using it in my screen name.

Whimsical Jennifer?
Too long? (I'd prefer Jennifer over Jen).

Whimsical Junk?
But that doesn't have my name. Is that fine? (I could always sign my comments w/ my name).

Jennifer's Junk?
Or does that sound too much like junk-in-the-trunk? I mean, I know I've got too much of that.


What do you think? With a name like Jennifer (they're a dime a dozen from the '70's), I've got to have something a little more unique. Or do I keep Junkyard Jen? I'm sure that definitely grabs everyone's attention.

But I'm not sure it's in a good way. I can just see everyone thinking: "Who in the world is this Junkyard Jen? I mean WHAT kind of name IS that?!" ;)

I'd love to know what you think. I'm open to suggestions as well.


Anonymous said...

well i think you should just keep 'junkyard jen' i think it sounds good! but the 'jennifers junk' one made me laugh how you worded the junk-in-the-trunk part. but then it got that song stuck in my head "watcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk"!

i know you dont want long but you would like to have your name a part of the title so here's another idea maybe...
'jen's/jennifer's whimsical junk'

Anonymous said...

I like the "Junkyard Jen" too. It flows off the tongue rather nice.

Yvonne said...

Of the ones you listed "Junkyard Jen" is my vote. But I like the word "whimsical" too. Think about it awhile it'll come to ya!

Amanda Kay said...

Not sure. I've thought about changing mine because it's so unoriginal....the whole name thing in the title...not sure though..maybe some day I will have a brainiac original blog name.

Sarah and Jack said...

I think Junkyard Jen is the clear winner.

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Thanks you guys. :) I really appreciate your input! Junkyard Jen it is.

I'm just concerned that people may actually begin to REFER to me by that!

Truthfully, I don't *really* care. (I'm the one who brought it up again after *all these years*. {Shrug} What can you do?) It is distinctive and that's what your going for when it comes to a screen name. So thanks to all of you for your feedback!

Thriftin' Gal @ Junk In My Trunk said...

I would keep Junkyard Jen - I like it :)

KS said...

Junkyard Jen sounds pretty darn good. It makes you think..........what is she all about. too but well your just a junky junk collector so stick with it.

By the way Sue's not posting to the lack of power after the tornado swept through Center road and left debris and trees down everywhere.

Elizabeth Halt said...

I like Junkyard Jen.

But then again, I chose "the Walrus" ;-)

Elizabeth Halt said...

and also, I like your choice for a business name.

Cyndi said...

Yep. "Junkyard Jen" for sure! Like kjs said, it makes a person stop and think "what is this one all about!?" BUT, not in a bad way... just a curious way. You're very creative Jen, I'm enjoying seeing this side of you blossom! I wish you best of luck in getting Whimsical Junk up and going!!!