Thursday, August 30, 2007


eta: I did a little photo-shoot with the canning jars and got a couple of pictures that I'm much happier with... It didn't take much, those other ones were so blurry.

Pete & Mary H. stopped by Tuesday night. They're our new neighbors. They just stopped in quick to see our place. {I felt bad, we didn't visit real long, I was getting supper together. Another time}... :)

And I got company Wednesday afternoon too. :) Vanessa and Stephanie and their kids stopped by and brought treats! Canned peaches and pears. Such a nice house-warming gift. They're always so thoughtful. Thank you both so much! They're delicious! (Truthfully, I haven't quite opened them yet. ;) But I know they are because we've had the pears at Steph's before. I love homemade canned fruits!

It was awesome that they stopped-in. I feel like we haven't seen each other in AGES because we've been so busy with this house. At least, now we're here and we'll be able to get together more often. Because, they're our neighbors too! I can hardly believe that we live so close to each other and my sister Sara too. We live nearby a bunch of our friends now. (Not that 7-10 minutes was far before but now it's less than 5!) Lol! :)

(I love how they did these lids. They're so cute. I'm having a hard time opening them because I just want to keep looking at 'em.)