Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hints of Christmas in July

You know what makes me go weak-in-the-knees?

Christmas ornaments.

Vintage Christmas ornaments.

I know. You think that's a bit dramatic. But I'm writing on a blog and the drama is what it's all about. Right. When there isn't any, you make your own. ;)

I was surfing. (Never realized how much I liked that sport before.) ;) Anyway, I was surfing through blogs and came across this little. Ummm. Make that big because they think really big with their prices. So I came across a big site and they have vintage-style ornaments. Now I have to admit that I secretly covet the real thing when it comes to antiques but I have been known to "settle" a time or two...or maybe more. But where Christmas ornaments are involved, it truly hasn't mattered. I have a whole slew of vintage-style ornaments that I dearly love. This is all well...and pointless. Just thought I'd share that.

I'm actually staring a vintage Santa ornament in the face, as we speak. He's sitting here next to my computer, patiently waiting for me to wipe the years of dust off of him. I found him for a good price at a sale awhile back. (You can't beat free.) He's pretty worn and has definitely seen better days. All the more reason to like him. He would've ended up in the trash had I not rescued him. The soles of his boots have completely worn broken off from all of his travels. ;) But I think he'll look nice in a little bowl sitting on top of some ornaments come December.

And I scored a box of the real-deal mercury glass ornaments when I was junk-picking in Michigan, this spring. I love to put them in bowls around the house at Christmas time too.


Elizabeth Halt said...

You'll have to post pictures at Christmas-time. I'd like to see all these decorations you talk about!

My favorite holiday decoration is an iron "bowl" filled with copper and burgundy matte ball ornaments along with a few burgundy glass ball ornaments and a clear glass ball filled with copper filigree. Gorgeous.

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Sounds pretty!

Yvonne said...

Oh shoot, no picture of the shoeless/footless santa. I too like bowls w/ ornaments in scattered here and there and maybe a sprig of evergreen thrown in for good measure.

Sue said...

Only 6 more months!!! I love Christmas!!!

Yvonne said...

Do not remind me pleeeezeee.
It is July dear ladies (and gentlemen) and I am boycotting August this year. I am keeping the calendar at July, I wish you all would do the same, and then maybe we'll turn the page in a couple more months.
Classes for my two high schoolers starts August 16th; that is cruel and unusual punishment. Schools should run from Labor Day to Memorial Day. Geez, let these kids be kids for a change.
Of course I love Christmas and the fall colors, and Easter makes my heart jump for joy...BUT....still

Junkyard Jennifer said...

That's ridiculous that school starts in the middle of summer! (Might as well be the middle). "Poor kids" is right. I think school should run from Labor Day to Memorial Day everywhere too.

Sue said...

I hate to make Yvonne more anxious but Christmas is 5 months away not 6 like I posted. All these all nighters make my math a little fuzzy! And if it is 6 months in June why do we say Christmas in July? Seems like it should be at the halfway mark, right?