Friday, May 11, 2007

Tick Season's in Full Swing!

It's tick season, so I'm sitting here trying to desensitize myself.

What a joke! I've been surfing the net looking at pictures of ticks and reading up on the info......and I feel like I'm going to pass out (not exaggerating). I'm so scared of them! They're right up there with Mountain Lions, Grizzly Bears, Sharks and Bats on my very reasonable list of beasts to fear! And I feel like my skin is crawling!

Mark thinks I'm way over-reacting. I think it's only reasonable to be terrified of a critter that's part of the arachnid group. Which by the way I just found out. No wonder I'm so afraid! Not to mention the fact that they stick their whole head inside your body and feast on your blood! They may not actually be spiders but imagine how you'd feel if spiders latched themselves onto your body and feasted away!

And spiders, to this day I still get goosebumps and kill them as swiftly as I can. Swiftly being the key word here. I often miss them completely in my haste and have to go after them again! I have learned to be more brave with the spiders as Mark's not always around when they need exterminating.

But ticks. Whole 'nother story!! Growing up, we never had tick problems in Michigan like we have here in Minnesota! Just the other day Sar said they had about 20 on them between herself & the kids.

(Okay maybe it was more like 5 or 6! But what's the difference?!)


Shelley said...

I would wearing a sweat suit all summer long if I were you. Might be a tad hot but at least you'd have a barrier from the little beasts!

Shelley said...

Excuse the grammer (sp) above...."I would BE wearing...

Anonymous said...

We had them in upper michigan too. I remember seeing my brother with 3 or 4 little tick butts sticking out of his back. igh. I just go the heebers. ;P

Amy L said...

I was just online the other day looking up ticks too. They are so gross especially when you find the extra large magnified photos online - ick.

Dean has had a couple and I did too one night - AFTER I had taken a shower. At 1am when I found it I was contemplating waking my kids up, so I called Adam at the shop and he said that I was being ridiculuous. I had given them all tubs before bed, and it turned out just fine. I have stuff to treat the yard from Wal-mart, so town yard has been done, but now I have to do around the new house. Not too interested in having that infested with ticks. I think that some of the ones from the kids were coming off of the dog. So he now has a collar that is supposed to prevent them.

Sue said...

Nasty!! This doesn't go good with morning coffee! I know what you mean about facing critters alone. When it's me against the spiders, I've found that spray starch or hairspray does wonders, stops them in their tracks. It also preserves them so you can prove to your hubby when he gets home that they were so big and hairy, you could shave their legs.

Anne said...

First of all, Happy 30th Jen!! I'll call you when I'm sure you are to be up.

Sue, great idea about the hairspray or starch for spiders. I freak when you go with a kleenex to nab them and they jump!! I'll have to tell Heidi this tip as she has been trying to catch a big spider in her apartment to bring to show the kids at her daycare. She has a little container but everytime she tries to nab it, it shoots up in a hole. The spray should stop it in it's tracks!

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Thanks mom! I'm up. Mark surprised me by letting me sleep-in 'til 10! Haven't done that in ages.

(Including on vacation - for some reason the kids loved staying up all night and then waking up at 7:30)!

And Sharyn, I'm just picturing a cluster of ticks and HoOOOOoooo does that give me the heebee-jeebeeees!!!

I know I'm in for it when we move to our house in the woods with all the trees and fields around! Makes me want to train my kids to take them out themselves. I've been teaching them that ticks are NO BIG deal. BOY do I feel like a liar but I don't want them as terrified as I!