Thursday, June 7, 2007

My Journal

I sort of look at my blog as my journal and you having free access to it. I always want to begin a post with,"In Jennifer's mind..." because it's so easy to get my thoughts out this way! Mark says he rarely reads my long posts, and I'm not too sure other people do either. I don't mind because like I said, this is kind of a good place for me to purge my thoughts. Lol.

Anyway, I said before that I was drinking two pots of coffee a day! I'm back down to one, thank goodness. Man, I'd been drinking two pots since I got those mugs from Christi and I've subtly gone down to one. I say subtly, 'cause I tried not to think about it. My mind is funny like that.

When I was smoking, if I REALLY thought about quiting, I couldn't stop. I'd have more. But *bam*, the second I stopped thinking about quiting, I did and haven't looked back since. That was over a year ago and I still enjoy a guilty pleasure or two on "big" weekends and such. But I don't buy them anymore. (Yeah. I'm one of THOSE people now - I just 'bum' them! Lol.) Sara was asking me if they were gross when I have them so few and far between. And it's funny, because they aren't. I enjoy every single puff but when I'm done. I'm done. I don't look back.

But I have to admit, this last weekend was a little different. It was graduation weekend - a busy weekend and I had 3-4 smokes! That's a record for me, for the past year anyway. And there's that teensy-weensy part of me that would enjoy having one now and then. But really, all I've gotta do is remember how groggy I felt every morning when I'd wake up. I sure don't miss that at all!!

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