Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Blog Stalkers

I want to clarify something about my post regarding stalkers from the other day.

When I said that "stalkers we don't mind, really", I was referring to those harmless blog stalkers - the ones that we "know" or have some kind of "affiliation with" - but who haven't commented. You/Those individuals can keep on stalkin' - we don't mind! ;)

But at the time, I didn't realize there were blog stalkers out there from other countries and elsewhere (meaning SPAM), who were posting comments on our/your blogs!! Now, those particular individuals can feel free to go away.

There is definitely a very fine line and I don't know how to clarify it in its entirety. I hope that I may speak for all of us when I say that it's also okay if you're coming off of another blog (friend of a friend sort of thing) and you simply find our blogs interesting and/or entertaining and mean no harm...

I also hope those particular comments from various countries are simply "spam" and nothing more. Sharyn had mentioned something about "spam bots"...no idea what that means...


Anonymous said...

I'll try to find a better definition of spam-bots that when I can translate - but basically - it's spam robots that are triggered by new entries. A lot of my scrap friends have the word verification thing on their blogs thru blogger to help stop this...
if that helps at all

Sue said...

Thanks for clarifying that for all of us bloggers!! I looked up spam bot's too and what I got out of it was that it is looking new websites and email to start sending you spam. If you have the blockers or security things on your computer you should be fine. They just keep trying and therefore the numbers might show that. I hope that I got the gist of it right!

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Thank you! Makes sense.

Anonymous said...


I'm one of those "affiliated with stalkers"...found your site thru Sharyn and check in now and then...I think we're even cousins somewhere back there but I thought I'd let you know about sitemeter.com where you can add a free counter to your site that tracks where your "hits" are coming from and how much time someone spends on your blog each day and how they found you etc...very useful for finding out if you have a stalker you should worry about.

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Thanks for the sitemeter info. I'll have to check it out. When I saw "Torola" I of course, didn't recognize your first name but figured you are a reli! Now, I want to figure out who you are. ;) If you feel like it, send me an email! (Go to: View my complete profile - over there on the left, my email is in there). I don't know very many of my Torola relatives, as I grew up in lower MI and mostly knew the Heinonen side of my family. I'd love to know who your family is/where you're from! Glad you're checking in on us. It's fun to see who's reading...

That's why I wanted to clarify the whole blog-stalker thing. Some of us were getting worried about the possibility of "real" stalkers out there... Of course, I'm not referring to those of you who just enjoy reading them. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I've commented yet- but I'm another one who found your blog through another one (Michelles)-- and I certainly do enjoy reading your blog :)
- Cari (Kilpela)

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Cari ~ I'm glad you do! I saw on Michelle's blog (a while ago) that you girls have the countdown 'til you go to NM! That'll be so fun for you guys!! And she wrote that you passed your driving test. :) That's pretty exciting!