Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Aapo the Finn

We have a couple of little boys in this house who won't try anything new. (Pretty typical...)

Well, the most recent "new" thing is Egg Salad sandwiches. Not real new but I haven't made them in ages. We had them last week and we're having them again today. Aapo Refuses to try them! (Notice the capital 'r'?)

After much coaxing on my and Nikayda's part, he still hasn't given in and now he insists he wants a jam sandwich.

A jam sandwich? (I haven't been able to convince him to have Soy Butter* with his sandwiches.)

Let me tell you, we have a true Finlander on our hands. He is not giving-in to that Egg Salad. When he refuses to try something, he means business! I think we may be waiting awhile this time...

He just told Mark,"When I turn into a dad, I can eat it."

Now - seriously!

(*Carter's allergic to Peanut Butter so we use Soy Butter).

1 comment:

Amanda Kay said...

Typical, typical!