Friday, August 17, 2007

Paint Progress Report

The paint is up in the living room and the loft area and it's not as bright a white as I thought. I mean, it's bright white, make no mistake. But I like it. Even though it isn't what I'd intended. I love the pale blue ('Retreat') of the sitting room. I got to see that last night.

Mark's favorite color so far is the bathroom ('Caribbean'). It's a bright, deep, aqua ocean blue color. It's darker than anything else in the house and I like it. It's unexpected as compared to all of the other pastels, yet I think it 'flows'. We feel like it does because it's still in the same blue palette. I just hope it doesn't look out-of-place to everyone else. But really, that shouldn't matter. Right? If we're happy with it, that's what counts. :)

The upstairs bathroom (in the loft) is going to be a pale yellow. I love the color of sunshine and dandelions, which are one of my favorite flowers. They really are. I always feel the need to stress that because so many people don't appreciate them. Lol! :) But I've always loved them. I love fields, and in most cases, yards, of dandelions. They look like sunshine.

The only thing left to paint is the bathroom in the loft and all of the floors. The kitchen/dining room floor is painted as of last night. 2 a.m., to be precise. I never did find out what time he got home. He called around 2 to say that he'd be awhile. Carter was up. He wasn't feeling so great. (Runny nose, couldn't sleep). My mistake! He's been in the house a lot lately and there is still so much dust to clean up. I was cleaning, last night, and kicking it all up. I feel awful about that. I'll just have to be more cautious from now on.

I plan to post pictures but it may be a while - as in, a few weeks. I want to get moved-in and all before I try to start taking them. This next week is going to be so crazy and so exciting for us. I've gotta run now to bring stuff to the house. Suzy took my kids for the afternoon. What a treat! :)

Have a great weekend! :)

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