Monday, August 20, 2007

New Email Address

I've changed my email address. I will be closing down the one that many of you have w/ my name, in a few days - maybe longer (with this move going on). :)

My new email address is whimsicaljunk[at]yahoo[d0t]com. (I'll work on getting it permanently on my blog later).

The name I've come up with for my little junk business is Whimsical~. Then I'll have {refurbished junk} in small print beneath it. :) And of course, my slogan is:

{Changing the world one piece of junk at a time}.

I'm so excited! Now I can work on some scrolling letters for the design part of it. This fall, I plan to get out the pens and work on the design for a sign, tags and business cards. I once read that the more you talk about your business dream, the more it becomes a reality. I hope that's true! :)

I'm expecting a frantic, crazy week. I'm single-handedly (w/ the help of three small children, one with chicken pox ;) moving all of our stuff to the new house - trip by trip. :) (Mark will bring our trailer by in a few days for the furniture). I'm extremely excited and anxious to be on the-other-end! The big part, to me, is getting out of this rental. But everything about this is so exciting for me, I'm almost giddy. :) I've enjoyed every bit of the work from cleaning up the yard (that will be endless ;) to cleaning out the house to scraping the mud clumps on the floor, and believe me, there were many! Lol! (Mark said, "What do you expect from a rookie?") right down to packing up and moving. It's been the most fun and rewarding exercise I've ever done.

Edited to add: This is Mark's first big tape job. He taped and mudded our remodel-job in Michigan but only one or two of the rooms. So he got a lot of practice with our house! It's nice because he usually has someone else do the taping and mudding on his jobs ~ eventually, he'd like to do them.


Anonymous said...

I love the name!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to finally be moving! Good luck w/ the move and enjoy your own place, a place to call home. : )

And I love that name for your business.....perfect for what you'll be doing!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great name to me. I know what you mean about rentals. We rented while we were building. Not fun. Hope the move goes smoothly.

Anonymous said...

happy moving :), I'm excited for you!
I love your new name, also!
See you next week!

Sue said...

You nailed the name just right! Good luck with the move...though I doubt you will make the next few days without posting. I think (know) you tried that before! LOL

Cyndi said...

Great name, Jen!!! It's fun!

Good luck with the rest of the move! Hope all goes smoothly for you.