Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Life is a Lullaby

I go from a post where I tell you I am anxious to one of serenity. Or at the very least, I'm feeling a minimal amount of serenity. :) It is 20 to nine and the boys are fast asleep. My daughter is whimpering near the kitchen table because she doesn't want to use the same bowl that Aapo had used for applesauce moments ago. (Before he hit the hay). I only had her share a bowl because the dishes are piled up and it was the last disposable bowl in the house. (Tomorrow, we have grocery shopping on the agenda).

I know. I'm a mean mom. ;) lol! She will get over it and by tomorrow she will have forgotten all about it. She's very tired out. We've had many a late night at the house in the past week so this night we're staying home and getting to bed at a reasonable hour. And I'm looking forward to a few hours of peace and quiet, trying to avoid the mess that this house has become and looking forward to tackling it in the morning. It's going to be hot and humid. A good day to stay inside and get some much needed cleaning done around here.

Aaaand she's down! Woo-hoo! They're all tucked in their beds. Time to relax.

But first, we saw Peggy and her kids today at Suzy & Jason's. Suzy made pizza for supper. Yum! And we got to visit. It was so fun to see her and the kids. And, of course, Suzy and Jason & kids. I feel like we never see anyone anymore. This has been a busy summer but at least we'll be able to try to do some more visiting, this fall, once things settle down a little! I'm looking forward to reconnecting with all of our long lost friends. :) Because that's what it feels like. It feels like we're so disconnected from everyone right now. I wonder if it's just us or if most people feel like that when they're building and moving... No matter. Even if it is just us, that's the way it goes... Looking forward to fall and hanging out with people again!

And looking forward to the weddings. Brad and Larissa's in the cities - Sept. 8 And Ginger and Lars' in the cities - Nov. 3! :) Family weddings are so much fun! And it's so funny because I keep thinking Brad & Riss's wedding is Sept. 6, but last I checked, I was pretty sure that they were getting married on a *Saturday* and not a Thursday. :)


Yvonne said...

That's summer time for ya; don't worry about feeling disconnected, everyone is doing their own thing in the summer and so are you. I remember when Sunday School would start in September, it was such a heartwarming feeling to sit in the pew and look around at everyone back together again. That's probably the reason God wanted seasons.

Anonymous said...

yup we are getting married on a saturday and not thursday although some people get married on sundays and fridays so thursday wouldnt be all that weird! know whats cool that brad realized? our anniversary will be 9-8-7-6, pretty cool huh! 9 for september, 8 for the 8th, 7 for 2007, and 6 for 6:00 in the evening! :)

Amanda Kay said...

*..*Little chuckle at Larissa's post.**