Saturday, August 25, 2007

I am a Woman Warrior

...hear me roar.

I did it! I moved all of my junk to our new house! Carter had chicken pox. Abram was sick with a fever. But we did it! Sara watched my kids yesterday. I'm SO grateful to her. I wouldn't have been able to do it without her. Having the kids out from under foot, for even a day was tremendous. We're all tired and ready to settle in. For the night.

Soon. There is still much to do. Namely scrubbing down the bathroom. The kid's beds are set up in Nikayda's room and I want to shuffle some stuff around before hitting the hay.

I'm so excited that we have a new PERMANENT (yes, that's in capital letters ;) address.

{At the moment, I hope I never have to move again. :) Although, truthfully, I've said that every time I've moved}! I'm excited, exhausted and overwhelmed both in a good way (glad the move is over/excited about having our own home FINALLY/life is just beginning) and the not so good way (SO much to do yet) - but it's all good. I'll get a picture for you soon. Of the mess that is my new home.

You can't see the room that is my kitchen/dining room as I wanted everything stacked in there. There is still so much to do construction wise around here - everything in one spot was easier for me. I don't have anything that resembles a kitchen yet - just a little fridge (from our rental, that we bought from our landlords).

Oh lets be honest here! Technically all the stuff isn't in the kitchen. There is plenty in the living room and sitting room and not to forget the basement which is loaded with junk from various junk-picking excursions in Michigan within the past couple of years.

I was just thinking that this is my 10th move since I moved out of mom and dad's in 1997!! NUTS. Mark and I've been married for almost 6 1/2 years and this is our 6th time moving (counting when he moved into the house that I lived in when I was single). This is the first time that I've moved all of my stuff by myself. (Mark did the heavy lifting with the furniture and his brother Hans lent a hand at the new house with some of it).

;) Don't ever move. Stay put. Settle in your roots. Yeah RIGHT. I love the change ~ or I did when I was younger. Now I'm getting too old for this moving business. ;) But every move was fun (once the moving part was over. ;) I'm ready to settle down and plant those roots. I say I'll never move again. Until next time.

But I really hope we never do because I love it here already. Especially because I have no more drunk neighbors partying until 5 in the morning. There was another party at the house next door, last weekend. I didn't post about it because it's been so busy around here. But I got home at 1:30 a.m. after working out at the house, with 3 sleeping kids, and there were teenagers milling all around our driveway. The police came sometime after 4 a.m. I'm so glad someone FINALLY called. Maybe that'll put an end to it...for the other neighbor's sake. Especially our sweet elderly landlords. (They're in their 80's). I'm going to miss them. They were some of the nicest landlords that we've ever had.

She (the landlord's wife) brought me dinner yesterday when I was packing and cleaning. And today she stopped by with watermelon in the afternoon, "to cool [me] off," she said. :) She's so thoughtful.

Enough rambling, for now. I don't even know what I'm saying at this point. I'm so tired!

Thank you all for responding on the screen name (I may have said that already...) Have a great rest of the weekend!

Oh yeah, I was going to tell you that every time we've moved Mark says I have too much stuff. This time, after I moved it all by myself, he just asked me,"So, now do you think you have too much stuff?"

Nope. Never. Junk is fun!

{I just don't want to move ever again}.


Anonymous said...

CONGRADULATIONS JEN!!!!! i cant wait to see it when its all done!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY you!! Congratulations- now rest for a bit:)

JoLynn said...

Oh how fun to be in your new house! I do not look forward to the moving part of all of the moves we have in front of us!!! We have that much more stuff than we had in our apt. from our last move!! :( Ugh! Otherwise, it is exciting to figure out where things are going to go and get it all together. I look forward though to the day when we will plant our feet somewhere permanently (well, and to the day when we actually own a house, but maybe that will be the same day!) :) Take care and post a picture when you get the chance to!

KS said...

Congrats on the move - I notice the first and foremost project was to get your computer up and running. NOW................lets see the pictures of the move and what your house looks like presently.

you settling down...........I can't wait to hear you say you are moving again. For Mark's sake hope it's in about 15 years.

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Thanks all of you! :)

Kate ~ at least now I can just be like Marijane and tear down walls and rearrange the whole house (I'm talkin' walls here) when I want a change. Luckily he enjoys that! Lol! :)

And I can change out the decor and rearrange furniture.

...when I actually get some, that is. ;) We have no couch. Just a love seat, and a recliner and a tattered chair that needs to be refinished. And plenty of projects!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the pictures! cant wait even more to actually see it in person.. who knows when that's gonna be though :P.. "(I do smile. I promise). " :) just noticed that

Sue said...

Congratulations Jennifer (and Mark, too) exciting to finally be living your dream!