Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Here Comes My Baby

I was out taking some pictures of colored leaves this afternoon when Mark pulled in the drive. {I happened to be outside yesterday, too, when he pulled in the drive.} He "went to work" for the first time in weeks, on Monday. He'd been exclusively working on our house during that past few weeks. When he stopped home for lunch on Monday, he was like,"Isn't it weird that I'm going to work?"

When he was working on our house we saw him a little more than normal* because we'd come out here during the day a lot but he wouldn't get home until anywhere between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m.! It's already so nice having him around during the evenings while he's working on our place. I sure love this sight!

*"more than normal"... I've been a mostly single mom since the day Nikayda was born, because with his job he works such long hours. But I feel so thankful to be married to someone that helps out with the kids when he is around. He's so good with them. I feel so lucky and I love to watch him and the kids together. They just love their daddy and are so excited that we get to see more of him lately. {Me too}. :)

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