Sunday, July 22, 2007

Wheezy, Breezy Day

I'm lacking in the "title" dept. today. Carter's wheezing and it's breezy outside. They really have nothing to do with each other. :)

Poor baby.

Rash + runny nose + cough + wheezing = full blown asthma attack.

Cart and I spent the whole restless night together, last night...awake. I've been giving him treatments every couple of hours. It seems that whenever he gets a rash or hives from some allergen or another (like he did the other day) it turns into a week long asthmatic attack. So needless to say he's getting everything he wants these days in order to prevent any full-blown temper tantrums which result in more wheezing. Poor little guy... I'm not sure that's the best for him either. ;)

He's definitely our spoiled little guy these days. That's for sure! Although, sometimes no matter what I try to do to prevent him from bawling it's still going to happen. Like when a few minutes ago, Mark took Nikayda and Aapo out the door - to go to eat in a nearby town, Carter threw a fit because he wanted to go. He stopped long enough to drink a little pop and taste his sucker. My objects of bribery in my desperation! (Pop is a rare treat in our house and it comes in all the more handy at times like this). ;)

He threw up three times during the night. I haven't figured out if it's an actual flu (which I'm doubtful of) or a direct result of his asthma (more than likely). I fear tonight won't be much better for sleep. He's still wheezing although it's much better during the day, histamine is released more abundantly during the night so I suspect we'll have another restless night or two before this all blows over. :)

I was just very glad last night was Saturday, knowing Mark would be here all day today really helped during the night. I knew I'd eventually get some sleep and I did for several hours this afternoon. :) But Mark told me he was tired too. I feel so bad. I know he's been working so hard and not getting enough sleep either and he had woken up during the night when Carter threw up the first time. Here is hoping we'll be able to get to bed earlier tonight.

My consolation prize is knowing that although Carter's still wheezing, he's been pretty content today. He's even been off playing, although a majority of his time is spent right here on my lap (as he is now). :) And I'm enjoying that too! It's not often that a busy little toddler has time to sit in your lap for long periods at a time. :)


Sue said...

I feel for you Jennifer. I would guess the throwing up is asthma related. My kids have done the same thing...could be from coughing or maybe the nebs. Melea has croup so we've been up too. Someday we will both get sleep!

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Oh man! I hope she feels better soon. And I hope we both will get some sleep one of these days!

Can the nebs cause them to throw up? ( a side effect?) That's interesting because he's thrown up before when he's been really bad and taking the nebs every two hours like this...

Anonymous said...

I think the throwing up is a result of the nebs and the wheezing. Doubtful that its the flu. I've been there, too, Jen. Hopefully you both will be getting peaceful sleep soon!!!!
Angie M.

Junkyard Jennifer said...

Thanks Angie! :) There's no way around it, it's pretty stressful (for you and your little one). We had a much better night, last night.