But seriously, it's so good that I want to shout it out to the world. Ok. Not quite that dramatic. But I did want to tell the girls tonight when we went to the beach (pictures later. I promise.) but it never came up. And, well, also because I wanted to finish it and test it out for awhile to see if it really works. But now here I am talking about it!
Are you in suspense yet? ;) It's called Intuitive Eating lent to me by my dear friend Elizabeth. (Thank you!) We all know the concept of eating until we're full and stopping when we are. Well, some of us loose sight of that over the course of our lives. Maybe even most of us.
Waaaay back when (in the spring), I mentioned how I wanted to lose weight. Did I mention that I refuse to diet? And I'm going to explain that because it's not what you think. I refuse because I've never, in my entire life, seen a diet that works. Period.
Now, ok, that sounds so blunt and I know you want to disagree. But hear-me-out. After you're done dieting...then what? How do you keep your weight off...for good? Do you eat rice cakes and vegetable sticks for the rest of your life and feel guilty because you have a piece of chocolate cake? What kind of life is that?! :) I, like most people, prefer to eat healthy but I'd never choose a life of rice cakes and vegetable sticks. I want my chocolate cake too. Ok not cake but say, a chocolate... Chocolate. Yeah. Just chocolate. That sounds good. (Not much of a cake fan).
Anyway, I've
The book isn't only about losing weight but it's about what they call "making peace with food." And I find that part so profound. We live in a weight-obsessed society. That's not an easy thing if you're not a skinny-minny little size 2. ;) Believe me! I know. (And I don't think it's all that easy for those who cave to that pressure to be skinny either. ;) It's all about losing that I-need-to-be-skinnier, I-need-to-lose-weight, I-need-to-be-someone-else-besides-me, mentality that so many of us possess as a by-product of our weight conscious society. It's all about finding your natural weight. And by golly, that's something I can live with! I've never been "skinny".
Yes. But never skinny.
You know, I've got to say that I've always felt confident as a person. I'm not talking egotistical. (I hope I'm not that). I'm talking confident enough in myself to think that no person out there is better or worse than another. We're all equals. But everyone, from time to time has a case of inferiority complex. And with me, I sometimes struggle with the whole self-esteem thing. Since I was a young girl (as early as middle school), I've wanted to lose weight. I look back at pictures of me and think WHY? I was thin! (And I thought I wasn't). You know why...? Because I measured myself against everyone else and many of my sisters and friends were skinny, by nature. I didn't inherit that "nature". ;) But I was thin.
Maybe now I should start saying that I have "curves". Isn't that the polite way to say it? Lol. ;)
Yeah. I have curves. I'm cuuuUUVy. (Snort)! (Yeah. I've got curves in all the wrong places!)
But seriously, I don't want to think about losing weight anymore. I'd like to have that one less worry. And I'm trying my darnedest to put a stop to it. Now there aren't any guarantees that I'll succeed. That I won't succumb to societal thoughts again. But I sure can try. And I'm still reading the book. I'm only about halfway through (I.am.not.a.fast.reader.) but I'm inspired! And I'd love for you to be too.
Do yourself a favor if you've ever thought about losing weight. Or been caught up in the obsession to be skinny. (Who hasn't?!) :) Buy the book. Check it out from the library. Borrow it from a friend. But read it.
Be satisfied that you're at the best weight for YOU, and not by other people's standards. ;) And be happy with YOU.
They also have a website, which I just now discovered. And on a side-note - something I forgot to mention, is that most people who read and follow the guidelines of Intuitive Eating lose weight. And don't get me wrong, it IS about exercising and eating healthy too. Trust me. :) Just read it.
;) And wow. I just wrote a book. Wonder if I could get a publisher?
I'm so glad you're enjoying it, Jen !
It's proven that diets fail but changes in diet work. I have been on the diabetic food plan with many of my pregnancies and try to follow it everyday to prevent becoming diabetic. There is a high risk factor in our family (both sides of mine) and it really scares me. The plan watches carbs and fat but is really easy to follow...and it works to drop weight without depriving yourself. And you don't go hungry. As long as you count those carbs, you can eat anything. May not be a huge piece of chocolate but a piece of chocolate nonetheless. I can send you a copy if you want.
I'm so afraid of becoming diabetic with the whole hereditary thing and especially now when I need to lose weight. (That's actually the biggest thing that nags at me to lose weight). :)
For me, losing weight isn't about being skinny, it's about getting healthy and trying to prevent diseases such as diabetes.
Does it list food plans or lists of foods? I'd love a copy. I can always use more healthy eating ideas.
The plan I have shows you how many carbs, protein to eat at each meal. It gives you snack carbs that help curb those hunger pangs. Then it lists the carb and protein values and you pick and choose what fits for the amount you can eat. It has "free" foods such as veggies and some fruits (watermelon, for example) that you can eat as much as you like. It even lists junk food...obviously you can't eat as much or it would take up all your carbs and leave you hungry. It really works. I'll try to scan it or else I'll end up mailing it to you.
If you try the plan, I hope it works for you. That being said, since you are enjoying the book, I thought I should point out that it is a plan, meaning that like all other plans, it is the antithesis of intuitive eating. ;-)
That's true Sue (Elizabeth). :) If you're having trouble scanning, you don't have to send it. But Thank you anyway!
Intuitive Eating is all about *not* counting carbs, or fat, or calories and I don't think that would be the best fit for me right now. :)
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